
2 in 1

Sorry,i am bullshitting. ><

Well,last night was hanging out with family.
We went yoshiya and have our dinner there.
Actually,i will be going Butterworth Jimmy and ah sou yesterday.
Because they planed wanted to take me out for ate.
Finally...my qualification  had been cancel from Jimmy.
Damn,ruined my beautiful mind.
I am...not willing to!Arhhhhhhh.

Oh ya.i found out some great life phrases.
It awesome.Guys,read it.the sentence was totally correct.

"Loving yourself allows you to see the beauty in others.
 It opens your senses to the brilliance of divine lights,
 to the sweetness of your own life experience and 
 to the power of your focused incarnation.
 Loving yourself allow your consciousness to assume the shape of love,
 which makes you at once loving and love-able.
 But most of us are very stingy with the love we offer ownself."

Meaningful right?
Share it out for you alls. :)
Sorry,i like to bullshitting from somethings to other things that is very different.


  sorry,ignore my stupid face and sleepy eyes.

 love hubby.:*

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